
Names: Ollie, Cass, MadelinePronouns: they/xe/she/he/ae/ash


Hi i am a chronic mess of pain if youre here you already know who i am i bet its just a curtesy to look at this ykwim


irls: Avea (@cleeolei), Jolene (@neppington), Bri (@briinc), Morgan (@morguemaggots), Friday + moreOnline: Andi (@Bellblossoms), Sal (@saltiiboy), Percy (@percyperplexed), Gio (@everythingepithet), Dell (@catchyarsonist), Aiden + more

Gender colage

In order
Fablegender: A gender conected to foxes in fables, mythology and fantasy. those who's gender feels cunning, sleek, and mischevious, but not fully animalistic. (coined by me!)
Zombiedollgender: gender related to being a "zombie doll" or being a zombie and a doll !! possibly could also be related to being "creepycute" and/or goth, blood/gore, pastels, stitches, etc. (kitkore on tumblr)

Where am i?